Sexual Harassment
Do you feel that you have been sexually harassed at the work place?-
Sexual Harassment includes, but is not limited to the following:
- If you have been threated or demanded to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment or offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors.
- If you have had unwelcome verbal conduct such as: derogatory jokes, sexual advances or invitations.
- If you have had unwelcome visual conduct such as: derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photographs, or e-mails.
- If you have had unwelcome physical conduct such as sexual assault, unwanted touching, groping, or massages, simulated sex acts, and blocking normal body movement.
*Both men and women can be victims of sexual harassment, or even the harasser. Both federal and state laws prohibit an employer from retaliating against you for complaining or reporting sexual harassment. If you are a victim, call our office today and let us help you fight for your rights.*